El Paso to Tucson, and a little bit more.

The drive from El Paso to Tucson was not really that long, about six hours or so, but it was dry, straight, and flat. As is our wont, we mostly kept to the secondary highways. In this case New Mexico Highway 9 that skirted the Mexican boarder. I don't think we saw five cars in over two hours of driving, and three of those were Border Patrol.

It was strangely beautiful, though.

I think this is an ocotillo cactus in bloom.

Me, for scale.
That is the border fence.

We arrived in Tucson about 5:00 (this time of year they are on Pacific Daylight Time, or Mountain Standard Time, take your pick) and had about two hours of daylight left.

The place is beautiful, on the west side of Tucson, up in the hills right next to the Tucson Mountain Park. This guy knows how to outfit an AirBNB.

and this is the view:

Those Saguaros are amazing plants. We bought some seeds so we can grow our own.

It looks like they are wearing little flowered hats:

Doreen for scale:

We took a short morning hike:

into the saguaro refuge:

Just a couple of miles, but it was really nice:

A coyote said "hello" as he was on his way.

More later.


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